Carrot profiling

When profiling carrots, it is always recommend that the raw material is cut into pieces that are slightly larger than the final product. After the cutting, it is recommended that the raw material is slightly peeled, just to round up the cut ends.

The feeding of the raw material into the profilers is important. The quality of the raw material, in combination with the feeding system, is the most important issue for a successful production.

The raw material used should be only a little larger than the final product (the cut products) to avoid unnecessary waste. The capacity (production / hour) is also smaller if there is a large difference in size between the raw material and final product.

Carrots can be succesfully profiled with:

- FORMIT MPP630 >>
- FORMIT ProX >>

Ekko Maskiner A/S Pottemagervej 14 7100 Vejle Tlf. 75 88 19 11